CM came to me a year ago feeling frumpy and weak. She also had a frozen shoulder. She couldn't raise one of her arms above chin height. I said "Girl, you are "skinny fat". She chuckled and said put on some hard rock & make me sexy. Well, not in those exact words, but just about. What I really appreciate about CM is her tenacity and drive. She did what I told her to do. She worked out with me a couple days a week and then took her healthy body into her own hands and worked out on her own. She would go to the "Y" on her off days and do her "homework". What the crap is up with all these """"". Yes, I give homework. Whether one does it or not is up to them. I still remember week 6 when she went shopping and had dropped 2 pants sizes. Wow, what a transformation. I felt so happy for her. She ended up dropping 4 sizes total: from a 12 to a 6. CM ga...
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