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Make yourself crazy...

So, I started an IG account a while ago.  Thought it would be fun to get inspired by others...then realized I could do the same.  AWESOME!  What? people want to see what I have to say too,  cool! As I started to explore the fitness IG world I realized there were a lot of selfies of booties & body parts. No shame? Should I look like that since I'm a fitness professional? Should I be showing off my rump to prove I SQUAT?  Should I feel bad cause I don't look just like that? or cause I don't want to post like that?   Well, I shouldn't say that.  They are proud of their beautiful bodies & trying desperately to get followers.  I was making myself crazy.  Please don't do that. I'm trying to get you...I'm wanting & hoping to help you see your potential.  Comparing yourself to others is a long & sad road. Please, Look to where your were. Look at what you've accomplished. Look at where your are heading. Be in competit...
Recent posts

Cookie Monster

I love chocolate. I love cookies. I love treats. It's hard to be 39 & love these things. The older we get the slower our metabolism:(.  Keeping fit & strong helps this of course, but we still need to be mindful of the types of foods we put into our mouths.  Ha! "Foods", like anything processed should be called food... Yes it shouldn't, but, Well it is.  So, being mindful of natural unprocessed foods is key. With that in mind..I am constantly on a quest to find, make or create treats that are yummy & nutritious. Blend in food processor:  2c almonds 2tbs sesame seeds 1/3 c shredded coconut Melt on low-med in pot 2 Tbs coconut oil 1Tbs coco 1/3 c choco chips 2 Tbs raw honey Add & mix nut mixture.  Press on foil in 9x13 pan.  Cool in frig.  Cut up & serve Store in frig.  ENJOY!


I can think of many things that are easy,  Smiling, walking, hiking, getting my kids to just stare at the TV. LOL But sitting on the couch for too long and complaining about how I feel or look, can only last so long. Some people feel they don't have time to be healthy. Some people think that healthy eating is too difficult to organize or too expensive. Some people just haven't had the moment yet, where they decide what they really want in life is more important then their negative thoughts regarding the above mentioned. Our thoughts really control us if we allow them to.  It's truly amazing that living on this earth is all about choices.  We have to make choices every day.  Everything we do & say is a choice. WE ARE SO LUCKY (blessed) that way. So, If something seams's probably because it is and it is worth it. Many great things are worthwhile. Many great things take time. Many great things take effort. But the wonderful part about difficult ...

NascaFitness "H2 Fab50"

It's easier then you think.

So Kelsey & I head to Trader Joes today.  We live out in the sticks. So its a good 25 minute on the freeway:(. I'm thinking since she's never been and I just was there a week ago, I'l just pick up some nuts & dried fruit.  Lol. Then spend time showing her around... $88 later & 3 grocery bags full. I have all the yummy things I forgot I needed.  Hummus Feta Dried fruit Roasted almonds Lime chilli cashews!!! Artichoke spread  Turnkey apple bacon brauts  Rice crackers  Olive oil Blue tortilla chips & a ton more.  It's easy to eat healthy. It may seam expensive, but you can buy a butt load of crappy (empty calories), sugary,  preservative packed food for the same price. So, why not spend your $ on nutrient dense, nutritious, healthy & yummy foods. Your body requires vitamins, minerals & antioxidants that are naturally  found in foods that are not processed. Processed & packaged  foods lack all these essential nutr...

Back to business!

  Now, the kids are back at school...I'm kinda sad. I truly love hanging with my kids. They keep me young. They keep me laughing. They don't let me take myself too seriously.  Dah, really, what sane 39 yr old jumps off cliffs?  But, dang, what a rush;). So, now my crazy little buddies are at school and I gotta get on a bathroom cleaning schedule...poo;( Now is your time to get on a  regular fitness routine.  It wont happen unless you PLAN!   During vacation I was lucky to be with girlfriends who loved (well mostly) rock climbing, jumping skiing, tubing, surfing, and joining me on early morning runs through sage brush while I spat out orders to do push ups, dips, jump squats & planks in the dirt. I was blessed to have that happen.  Realistically if it's not on your schedule, it usually doesn't happen.  I live by my calender.  If I don't check it daily, I can miss important stuff.  HOLY crap, i missed my massage appoi...

Mom's vs. Kids meal

So, way back in the day when I considered getting pregnant; I told Heavenly father "if u send me a girl, I'll most likely send her back. May I please have boys?"  Some of this stemmed from not getting along with my little sister. Not the case anymore, SHE ROCKS! But I'm thinking cause I always thought of my self as the ugly duckling & more of a Tom boy, I'd get along with boys better. I'd know what to do with them :). Well, now I spend my days being surrounded by the cutes boys on the planet. Really they are. Plus all their crazy & cute little friends.  Like the other day they wanna dress in morph suits & want me to take them to Wally mart so they can make videos. Sooooo crazy silly. I love these kids. But them one friend acts a little too crazy & some old fart yells at them to take their masks off, turn off their camera & get out of the store. Some people just don't know how to enjoy life. So sad:(  Next they con me into taking th...