So, I started an IG account a while ago. Thought it would be fun to get inspired by others...then realized I could do the same. AWESOME! What? people want to see what I have to say too, cool! As I started to explore the fitness IG world I realized there were a lot of selfies of booties & body parts. No shame? Should I look like that since I'm a fitness professional? Should I be showing off my rump to prove I SQUAT? Should I feel bad cause I don't look just like that? or cause I don't want to post like that? Well, I shouldn't say that. They are proud of their beautiful bodies & trying desperately to get followers. I was making myself crazy. Please don't do that. I'm trying to get you...I'm wanting & hoping to help you see your potential. Comparing yourself to others is a long & sad road. Please, Look to where your were. Look at what you've accomplished. Look at where your are heading. Be in competit...
I love chocolate. I love cookies. I love treats. It's hard to be 39 & love these things. The older we get the slower our metabolism:(. Keeping fit & strong helps this of course, but we still need to be mindful of the types of foods we put into our mouths. Ha! "Foods", like anything processed should be called food... Yes it shouldn't, but, Well it is. So, being mindful of natural unprocessed foods is key. With that in mind..I am constantly on a quest to find, make or create treats that are yummy & nutritious. Blend in food processor: 2c almonds 2tbs sesame seeds 1/3 c shredded coconut Melt on low-med in pot 2 Tbs coconut oil 1Tbs coco 1/3 c choco chips 2 Tbs raw honey Add & mix nut mixture. Press on foil in 9x13 pan. Cool in frig. Cut up & serve Store in frig. ENJOY!